Assignments, assessments, and grades provide valuable feedback about what a student is learning and how they are progressing. With this information, teachers and administrators can monitor teaching and learning and make changes, if necessary, to ensure that students are provided with foundational skills and knowledge that help prepare them for success in school and beyond.Odyssey Charter School uses the following tests to evaluate student and teacher performance.

Smarter Balanced (SB): SB is the primary assessment given to students across the state to assess student learning in English language arts and mathematics. Smarter Balanced assessments are delivered online and are designed to give parents and educators in-depth information about student progress. SB employs national benchmarks (Common Core State Standards) that will allow educators to compare student achievement between schools, districts, and participating states to ensure that students are making adequate progress. This assessment is administered in the spring of each year in grades 3-8.

STAR: This is a set of reading and math tests that are given several times during the school year. They take 20-30 minutes and scores are used to evaluate student learning. The STAR test are standardized tests that are taken by computer. The STAR test provides feedback about student performance immediately providing teachers with information to help them meet learning needs of their students.

Advanced Placement (AP): High School students who have taken college-level AP courses are encouraged to take the course’s AP test. Scores on these tests help university advisors decide whether a student may be exempt from taking that course in college. The College Board establishes the dates for AP exams. These typically are scheduled for the first two weeks in May.

SAT/PSAT: The SAT is paper/pencil assessment that is used measure a high school student’s readiness for college and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. Odyssey Charter School administers the PSAT/SAT to all high school students in grades 9-11 to measure student learning. The PSAT is given to 9th and 10th grade and the SAT is given to 11th grade students. The PSAT is typically administered in the fall and the SAT is given to all 11th graders in the state in the spring.

NAEP – National Assessment of Educational Progress Select students in 4th and 8th grade participate will be participating in NAEP during the 2021-2022 academic school year. Please use the links below to learn more about this assessment and to view our parent letters.

If you have any questions regarding NAEP, please reach out to Juliana Sheehan at