In 2006, Odyssey Charter School opened its doors as Delaware’s first mathematics content focused, 2nd language (Greek) elementary education charter school.

Odyssey has strong academics, insight into the classical learning ideals of Hellenism, a small-school environment, and a fresh approach to learning.

Odyssey Charter School was rated a Superior School by Delaware’s Department of Education in 2008, 2009, and 2010.

General Information

Parents may report absences by calling the main office at 302-516-8000. Students must have a note upon return to school to excuse absences. Any student who has been out 3 days or more must have a note from the physician upon their return to school.

Early Dismissal
A student who is ill or injured will be assessed by the school nurse. If it is determined by the nurse that the student cannot or should not remain in school for the remainder of the day, the nurse will contact the parent/guardian to arrange for early pick up of the student. Please make sure all contact information is up-to-date.
In order to protect the safety and welfare of all our students, parents and guardians are reminded of the following:

  • Please do not text message or email teachers about dismissal changes.
  • All dismissal changes must be in writing and come to school with the student no later than the morning of the change. (No emails, faxes, or phone calls.)
  • Only emergency dismissal changes are allowed until 2:00 by calling the office.
  • There are no early dismissals after 2:45 from LS and IS. No early dismissals after 2:30 from US/HS.
  • A valid photo ID must be shown when picking up students up from the office and in carline.
  • A valid photo ID will be held when visiting the building. The ID will be returned when the visitor badge is returned to office.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Changes in Dismissal
For student safety reasons, no changes to end of day dismissal will be accepted via phone, fax, or email. All changes must be sent in writing via written letter brought to school with the child no later than the morning of the change. Students will only be released to authorized adults as indicated in writing by parent/guardian. Download the Student Information Sheet here to authorize adults for pick-up.

Emergency Closings/Delayed Openings
If a decision is made to close school or dismiss early due to the weather or other unforeseen circumstance, school administration will notify parents through the Blackboard Connect notification system. In addition, information regarding school closures and early dismissals can be obtained through local radio stations and the official state website for school closures, SchoolClosings.Delaware.Gov.

Visiting Odyssey
All Parents and other visitors MUST report to the office to receive a visitor’s identification badge before proceeding to any other area of the school. All visitors will be required to submit a Photo ID or license prior to receiving a badge, and must sign in and out. Parents will not be allowed to go to their child’s classroom while school is in session without an arranged meeting with the teacher.

Door Security & Announcing Yourself
During the school day entry to the Odyssey can only be attained by ringing the doorbell. You will be asked to announce your reason for requesting entry. In rare circumstances, for the safety of our students it may be necessary to temporarily deny entry. In these cases we will work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and we appreciate your understanding.

Forgotten Items/Messages
Every day many items are dropped off at school for delivery to students. These items should be labeled with the student’s name and grade. Items will be kept in the main office, and teachers will be notified to send students. While office staff works to ensure that students receive the items that were dropped off, OCS staff cannot guarantee students will receive their items on the same day they are dropped off, nor is OCS staff responsible for the items. Also please note that office staff is instructed to not interrupt class for forgotten items or to deliver messages.

To change your child’s address, please submit new proof of residence documents as indicated here.

Code of Conduct

The successful operation of a school requires the cooperation of many people.

By enrolling at Odyssey Charter School we expect that our students and their families will abide by our philosophy and policies. The professional staff and Board have established rules and guidelines for maintaining high standards for student conduct which in turn leads to a safe, orderly and inviting school in which to teach and learn.

The Odyssey Charter School will abide by all state and federal regulations related to code of conduct issues. Regulations also pertain to special education students. Due process will always be followed in the event that the student’s infraction is related to the disability.

The school will also establish behavioral guidelines to maintain an environment that is conducive to education without stifling expression and appropriate social interaction.

Upon entering Odyssey Charter School, the student is responsible for his or her actions both in and out of school. Any serious violations of school policy and/or any illegal or immoral behavior could result in serious disciplinary action.

Student Code of Conduct & Parent Information
Parental Involvement Policy
Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Policy
Odyssey Extended Leave Policy
Family Concerns Resolution Process

FCF Forms

Dress Code and Uniform Policy

Our uniform policy has been updated for SY 2024-2025. Click on this link to view/print.

School Hours

Arrival/ Dismissal Times 23-24 School Year

HS/MS (Grades 6-12) Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival: 7:15 – 7:25 Dismissal: 2:20 – 2:30

IS/LS (Grades K-5) Arrival and Dismissal

  • Intermediate School
    Arrival: 8:20 – 8:35 Dismissal 3:30 – 3:40
  • Lower School
    Arrival: 8:30 – 8:45 Dismissal 3:40 – 3:55