School Counseling Program

Welcome to the Odyssey Charter School Counseling Program!

The Counseling Program at Odyssey Charter School is based on the American School Counselor Associations National Standards and facilitates student development in three content areas:

  • Academic
  • Post-Secondary Readiness
  • Social/Emotional
click here to request an appointment to speak with a counselor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A school counseling program:

  • Follows ASCA (American School Counselor Association) guidelines.
  • Is part of the total school program.
  • Complements learning in the classroom.
  • Is child centered, preventative, and developmental.
  • Encourages students’ social, emotional, and personal growth.
  • Helps students maximize their potential.

OCS’s program also includes:

Individual Counseling: Individual counseling is provided to students who are referred by parents, teachers, administrators or the counselor. Parental permission is required and services are confidential.

Small Group Counseling: Small group counseling is offered throughout the school year on various topics such as divorce, grief, friendship skills, self-esteem and social skills. Student participation in group is confidential and requires parental permission.

Developmental Classroom Guidance Lessons: Lessons are designed to assist students with their personal/social, academic and career development.

Family Counseling: Meetings are available upon parent request.

Consultations: Assisting staff, families, and community to work with students.

Referrals: Assisting families in identifying and accessing community resources.

The benefits of a School Counseling Program include assisting the student with:

  • Understanding self and developing a positive self-image.
  • Showing respect for the feelings of others.
  • Understanding the decision making process.
  • Maintaining effective relationships with peers and adults.
  • Developing effective study skills.
  • Being prepared to make the transition to the intermediate, middle or high school.
  • Becoming responsible for their own behavior.
  • Receiving crisis intervention when necessary.

Qualifications include:

  • A Master’s Degree
  • A state certification as a school guidance counselor

Additionally, special preparation in the following areas:

  • Child growth and development
  • Individual counseling skills
  • Group counseling and guidance skills
  • Communication skills
  • Elements of career development
  • Educational and psychological measurement
  • Theory and practice of counseling including exceptional and culturally diverse children
  • Philosophy and principles of guidance
  • Research and evaluation

Odyssey Charter School's Counseling Program.

Natalie Cush-Guichard
School Counselor, K-2

Kristina Bocanegra
School Counselor, K-2

Laura Angelo
School Counselor, 3-5

Daynell Wright
K-5 Family and Student Interventionist

Abby Robinson
School Counselor, 6-8

Juliet Gunn-Yang
School Counselor, 6-8

Jonyelle Smith
School Counselor, 9-12, last names A-K

Breann Preston
School Counselor, 9-12, last names L-Z

Lori Jones, LCSW
Family Crisis Therapist, 6-12

Diana Kwacz
School Psychologist

Chantel Reeves
School Psychologist

Resources for Students

Suggested apps for social-emotional learning
Middle School Confidential
The Social Express
Smiling Mind
Action for Happiness

Lower School Resources
School Counselor explains the Coronavirus
Read aloud about social distancing

Intermediate School Resources
CDC recommendations and information

Middle School Resources
About Coronavirus

High School Resources
5 ways to help your teen manage anxiety about the Coronavirus

Resources for Parents