Ellinomatheia - Certificate of Attainment in Greek
This past spring ten OCS students upheld the fine tradition of participating in the Ellinomatheia Exams. These students who elected to participate had all demonstrated exceptional promise in their studies of the Greek language. They worked hard to prepare under the guidance and tutoring of our very dedicated and talented Greek Language faculty. We are extremely happy and proud to report that seven of these students successfully passed the exams and have received the Certificate of Attainment in Greek. This is a great accomplishment in and of itself, but also has the added benefit of being applicable later towards college credits. Our most heartfelt congratulations go out to these students:
Antenucci Amleto – 6th Grade
Busick-White Reuben – 6th Grade
Carini Mia- 6th Grade
Etshman Adelaide – 6th Grade
Moore Grace – 6th Grade
Phillips Victoria – 6th Grade
Qualls Ivy Catherine – 6th Grade