To Whom It May Concern,

We are pleased to announce Odyssey’s participation in Ellinomatheia (exams for Greek Language Proficiency Certification). Our school has again been selected by the Greek Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs to serve as the testing center for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek examinations for the Delaware Valley region.

The exams will take place at Odyssey Charter School, on May 21, 22, and 23, 2019. Ellinomatheia is a worldwide test developed by the Greek Ministry of Education. OCS staff will proctor the examinations. We are very proud that Odyssey has been selected as one of the few schools in the US qualified and designated to administer this test. Candidates who successfully pass the exam will receive an official Certificate of Attainment in the Greek Language, which is recognized worldwide.

The Test Levels that lead to certification are:
1. A1: for candidates 8-12 years old
2. A1 (for adolescents and adults): for candidates 12 years old and above
3. A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2: for candidates 8 years old and above
Please note: The Center for the Greek Language mandates that candidates interested in the B2, C1 and C2 exams, must be 16 years or older due to the complexity of the language and content.

Registration for the Ellinomatheia Exam must be submitted to the OCS Testing Center February 1, 2019 through March 24, 2019.
Application forms and instructions can be downloaded from the Odyssey school’s website at: Ellinomatheia Exams
Online applications can be completed at:

Information you will need to fill out the application form include:

  • Examination Center: Odyssey Charter School
  • Examination Center Code: 10021
  • Proof of Identity: passport or school ID will suffice.
  • Level:
  • Code No: The code of the applicant will be supplied by the examination center after the process is completed.
  • Registration fee: The fee for the A1, A2 & B1 exams is 65 Euros. The fee for B2, C1 & C2 exams is 73 Euros. Please consult with your bank or a currency conversion website such as the two listed below before making your payment, to insure you are paying the correct amount at the time of your payment. or
  • Payment methods: Fees may be paid by check (attached to your application) or by cash. If you are writing a check to pay for the registration fee, please make it out to Odyssey Charter School.

Please note: OCS cannot accommodate payments by credit card.

Please read the application instructions carefully, answer all questions on the form, and if you agree with the terms, sign the form before submitting it to the school. The registration fee must accompany your application. No application will be processed by the Greek Ministry of Education if it is not completed in its entirety, or if it is not accompanied by the required fee.

Whether you are mailing in or dropping off the packet at OCS, please address it to:
Attention: Kyriakoula Micha
Odyssey Charter School
High School Campus-Building # 21
4319 Lancaster Pike
Wilmington DE 19805

If you should require further information, please contact Kyriakoula Micha


Kyriakoula Micha, MSEd.
Instructional Coach, World Languages
Odyssey Charter School
Nurturing a Lifelong Love of Learning


Ellinomatheia Exams 2019

The Ellinomatheia Examination center of the OCS (10021) would like to inform all interested participants on behalf of the Division for the Support and Promotion of the Greek Language of the Centre for the Greek Language, the final 2019 dates for the conduct of the examinations for the attainment in Greek.

Levels Dates
A1 (for children 8-12) Tuesday 21st May 2019 (morning)
A1 (for adolescents and adults) Tuesday 21st May 2019 (morning)
A2 Tuesday 21st May 2019 (afternoon)
B1 Tuesday 21st May 2019 (evening)
B2 Wednesday 22th May 2019 (morning)
C1 Wednesday 22th May 2019 (afternoon)
C2 Thursday 23th May 2019 (morning)
Registration From February 1st to March 24th 2019

Please Note:
You will need to bring a copy of the applicant’s passport.
An oral examination will follow the written exam.

For more information, please contact Mrs. Kyriakoula Micha. You may also visit the center for the Greek Language and study the guide to the examination for the certificate of attainment in Greek

Guide to the Examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek
Examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek Dates and Fees
Examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek Application 2019


If you prefer, you may also complete an application on line at