Odyssey Charter Schools is an Eco-School currently pursuing five pathways to sustainable development including Sustainable Foods, Energy, Waste and Consumption, Healthy Living, and Schoolyard Habitat. At Odyssey, we are deeply committed to providing our KN-12th grade students with hands-on and real-world opportunities to be environmental stewards of our planet.
- We have a 750 sq. ft. vegetable garden with 24 raised beds that engages KN-12th grade students. Students consume the produce in the cafeteria and we also donate it to a local food closet.
- We participate in the Farm to School program with Fifer Orchards.
- We have 6 Golden Comet Hens on campus, along with a pollinator garden, and 3 outdoor classrooms.
- Our students recycle in the cafeteria and in the classroom. This year we added four water bottle filling stations, collected over 700 pounds of plastic film, and replaced our Styrofoam trays in the cafeteria with recyclable ones. We also participate in the Crayola Marker Recycling program. This year alone we recycled over 30 pounds of used markers.
- We offer multiple field trips throughout the year for students to learn about sustainability, including but not limited to visits to Delaware State Waste Authority and educational farms in the greater Wilmington area.
- We celebrate “Green Week” in November and host a school-wide “Zero Waste” fair every year.
- Our students actively engage in environmental advocacy. Most recently, our students testified in favor of a bill to greatly reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bags.
- This school-year we upgraded our indoor and outdoor lighting to LED lights.