Ways To Give

Gifts of Cash: the most common methods of giving are to write a check or make a gift using your VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Most gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by your personal tax situation.

Securities: Many donors realize substantial tax advantages by transferring gifts of appreciated stock to Odyssey Charter School. Capital gains on the amount of appreciation are avoided, and the donor receives a tax deduction for the stock’s full market value.

Matching Gifts: Many companies will match donations to Odyssey Charter School by their employees. Please contact your employer’s human resources or community relations office to see if your gift can be matched.

Restricted and Unrestricted Gifts: Unrestricted gifts give Odyssey Charter School the flexibility to allocate funds where and when they are most needed. However, gifts may be allocated to any one of several distinct priorities of Odyssey’s Major Gifts Initiative: a certain building (e.g., #21, the high school, or #23, the Athletic, Art & Science Center), furniture fixtures & equipment, operational needs, or even campaign costs. Please indicate your interest in one of these categories on your Pledge Form. (See that button.)

Contact Us

302-994-6490 | Barley Mill Plaza, Building #22 | 4319 Lancaster Pike, Wilmington, DE 19805

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